How to set up an account to purchase donor sperm
Setting up your account with CryoGam is easy and free! Just follow the steps below:
Note: Account paperwork must be updated annually and/or if any information has changed
Step 1: Complete and return the following forms to us:
-> Patient Information Sheet* - download
Para ver este documento en Español, por favor haz clic -> aquí
-> Authorization for Release - (must be signed by your healthcare provider)* - download
-> Para ver este documento en Español, por favor haz clic aquí
-> LN2 Tank Rental Agreement - download
-> Para ver este documento en Español, por favor haz clic aquí
-> Pregnancy and Live Birth Reporting Statement of Understanding - download
Step 2: You may fax, e-mail, or mail your documents to:
CryoGam Colorado, LLC
2216 Hoffman Drive Unit B
Loveland, CO 80538
Fax: 970-461-7800
Step 3: Once we receive the forms you will receive a confirmation e-mail that your account is set up.
Step 4: Call us to place your order!
For more information about ordering a specimen click here
*Your account information, including Authorization for Release form, must be updated yearly. In the event that you change healthcare providers, you will also need an Authorization for Release form signed by your new healthcare provider before we can release specimens to you. Please plan accordingly when placing orders.
* Authorization for Release form is required even if you are doing home insemination.
To download these documents, make sure you have Adobe Reader.