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LGBTQ Friendly 

CryoGam Colorado is a Mountain Pride Connections Safe Zone!

CryoGam Colorado has over 28 years of experience in helping diverse couples have children. Here are some ways LGBT individuals and couples can conceive. Refer to the Glossary of Terms for definitions.

Lesbian Individuals/Couples

  • Use an anonymous, ID release or a directed sperm donor and one or both partners undergo artificial insemination.

  • Use an anonymous, ID release or a directed sperm donor, undergo IVF where one partner has her oocytes harvested. Those oocytes are mixed with the sperm and embryos are created. Either partner can carry the pregnancy.

  • Use an anonymous, ID release or directed sperm donor, undergo IVF and have a gestational carrier carry the pregnancy.

  • Use an anonymous or ID release oocyte and sperm donor and undergo IVF. The embryos can be transferred back to either one or both of the intended parents to carry the pregnancy.

  • Use an anonymous or ID release oocyte and sperm donor and undergo IVF have the embryos transferred back to a gestational carrier.

*It is important to keep in mind that a directed sperm donor and sometimes the partner donating the oocyte(s) are regulated by the FDA. Certain health & testing requirements, along with specimen quarantine periods of up to 6 months may apply.*

Gay Individuals/Couples

  • Use a traditional surrogate. The traditional surrogate would be inseminated using one of the partner's sperm and would carry the pregnancy for them. Legal obligations of the traditional surrogate vary depending on the arrangement that is made prior to pregnancy. Traditional surrogacy is only legal in California, Colorado, and Texas.

  • Use a directed or anonymous oocyte donor and a gestational carrier. The donor would undergo IVF and embryos would be made using one of the partner's sperm. The embryos would then be transferred to a gestational carrier.

*It is important to keep in mind that the partner that is donating sperm is regulated by the FDA and certain health & testing requirements, along with specimen quarantine periods of up to 6 months may apply. Please refer to the Directed Donor section on our website.*


Transgender Individuals/Couples

    Transgender individuals can use their own gametes if they have been cryopreserved (sperm or oocytes) prior to any medical procedures or treatments that impair fertility. It may be recommended that you undergo a Directed Donor process to ensure that your specimens are approved for use in a variety of situations. (This may include a future partner, a gestational carrier, or traditional surrogate, etc....)

See our Directed Donor page for more information.


Please make sure to explain your situation, in detail, to a CryoGam staff member so that we can schedule you for the appropriate appointments.

CryoGam Colorado, LLC | 2216 Hoffman Dr. Unit B, Loveland, CO 80538 | Main: 970-667-9901 | Fax: 970-461-7800 | Contact Us

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